Surrendering to the slow living...just for 5 minutes
2 MINUTE READ (& A 5-minute watch!)
Tahney by our blossoming apple tree - April 2024
This past 7 weeks I've been forced into some seriously 'slow living' courtesy of recovering from a broken ankle, I've surrendered to it (eventually, and not without a bit of initial wrangling) and I can feel the benefits in the choice to resist less, and slow down more.
This month’s blog post is a bit different and requires of you, my lovely reader, a request to allow yourself 5 minutes of your precious time to engage in a little slow-living moment.
May I suggest that with your cup of choice, you allow yourself a lit' ole sit-down while you watch and enjoy, the rather lovely short video below; which captures the time during our Co-Living for Creatives Programme, launched in April.
Thaney was invited as part of the programme in April with her partner and pet rabbit Enzo, in exchange for some of her beautiful ‘wordsmithing’ and producing a Press Pack* for The Mill.
*please, email if you would like the Press Pack or know someone else who may be interested.
Tahney joined:
Rob aka Supermundane
Gabby de la Puenta one half of The White Pube
Gary from the Private Press
Artist & writer from Amsterdam Anita
You can find more of Tahneys Art Writing here.
Artists speak with Nathalie, entrance to Flour Stour by Tahney
Here is the video I hope you enjoy!
Please come back and let us know if you enjoyed the video. Please view our other exciting upcoming events happening this Summer.
As always, please do “share the love” by sharing this blog post with one and all! It helps The Mill France to flourish and grow as a community for artists.
Co-Living for Creatives
Applications are open for our September and November residencies, head over to the page for further details: Co-Living for Creatives
Self-Directed Writers Retreat
We have some availability left on our Self-directed writer’s retreats in August Week One
Divine Feminine
Three places remain on our special Divine Feminine in the 1st week of September Retreat