A Month of Creative Connections!
Hello dear friends,
Firstly, thanks to you all for the positive feedback on our first post. It is so heart-warming to get such an amazing response, I'm truly humbled.
Also, a big thank you for 'spreading the love'. It's so great to see more people signing up!
I envisaged that our second post would be all about the progress we have made in the last few weeks. Don't get me wrong, the works have indeed progressed, not as fast as I'd like (OBVS) but there has been progress!
However, unbeknown to me, the universe seems to have put something else at the top of the agenda, and it’s been incredible!
It’s all about CONNECTION!
Allow me to explain...
Out and about these past few weeks, every conversation, has led to some sort of connection, and it has been so positive, I just love it, such happy vibes! One connection has led to another, and another, creating a wonderful flow. My questions are being answered and the way forward is being shown - it’s as if my path has been illuminated with all things positive, and with lots of gorgeous moments along the way. I’m in a state of WOW, for sure! The old me would hesitate at writing any of these positives down for fear of them all evaporating. However, the new me – same as the old me, but with added trust, belief & expansion – knows that the universe has my back.
Back in the beginning of January at the Mayor's Reception, we were introduced to several artists & local musicians. From there, we got invited to watch the local brass band practise the following week. We then got invited to a Fete de Cochon (Pig) in the neighbouring village of Compregnac - where I won a papier mache Carnival head - as you do! - and made even more connections with French, English & Irish families. From there somehow got invited to a meeting regarding upcoming fetes and carnivals and yes, I did sign up for painting a giant papier mache Octopus for the next Carnival!
With the connections and synchronicities continuing to flow, I can feel collaborations a brewing!
Attending the Mayor’s reception
Fanfare music night - meeting more creative locals
My raffle prize!
I had a friend visit from the UK last week, who kindly helped make a start with the curtain making. Thank you Elaine! Much needed assistance with the twenty plus windows and doorways that will eventually all need curtains. She was so relieved that I only had enough fabric to make curtains for the Salon for now!
But of course, really, when a friend comes to visit and lend a hand, it’s not just about helping out. It's about experiencing this amazing landscape, the people, and the atmosphere. Also it's quite a bit about the food, mostly cheese and wine, if we are being totally honest! Elaine also noticed the crazy amount of connections 'Nat, it’s like everyone you speak with has been sent to you with a connection of some sort, its nuts!'
The sense of feeling connected... it’s a good feeling, and it continues, almost daily!
New kitchen counter top doubles as a nice cutting table for the curtains
Our newest guests at The Mill are two gorgeous horses, Oural and Sido, who are currently grazing in the back garden. They can access the river for fresh running water so no worries with frozen water troughs for the owners, who kindly invited us to tea. It turns out that they are keen potters and have built their own kiln. And often do Raku firing. Not only that, they have MADE, yes MADE, their own clay from the earth here in Saint Georges - it's amazingly smooth and fine to work with. They have explained the process, and we are definitely going to give that a try in the summer! So excited!
First guests at The Mill: Sido & Oural
But it’s not just connections with people that have been happening. It’s the land, the sky, the river... every day, it just blows my mind. I've always appreciated nature around me, which was challenging at times, living in the North London suburbs. But this place has me totally captivated with her beauty. I am utterly in awe of the splendour that is Mother Nature. And somehow the Millau Viaduct, exhibits the best of humankind in its engineering, elegance and strength. Effortlessly in harmony with the land, sky and river below. So inspiring! It’s just WOW… every day.
Meanwhile back at The Mill (Renovation HQ!), the progress to report is as follows:
For H&S reasons (!) we've created a new step in the kitchen. The rest of the room is almost complete with lighting, wall tiles and a bit of ingenious jiggery pokery underneath one of the windows to house various plumbing and power gubbins!
The new kitchen is now fully equipped with 2 hobs, 2 ovens and 2 dishwashers - ready to host lots of lovely retreats and events!
Work in progress!
The (almost finished!) kitchen
Was feeling very pleased with my first attempt at plumbing in a washing machine! #Not so clever after all... This is what I found when I went to collect the washing after the first cycle. Luckily no permanent damage! Note to self - read instructions and remove travel bolts!!!
Lace curtains drying after the washing machine incident!
The first of the additional bedrooms (with en suite shower room) is well underway with the first fix plumbing completed.
On the other side of the mill, we've started ripping out lots of timber so we can investigate how to construct new floors for the next round of bedrooms and bathrooms. Where hoppers for grains previously stood, there are currently no floors!
So we're forging ahead with the works and have seen some really satisfying progress, but giving me an even bigger buzz are the amazing connections. Great things happen when you just trust!
To quote @Alchemise this week:
#FeelingIt Thank you universe!!
Photo credit: Alchemise / Abraham Hicks
PS - Anyone who wants to come and lend a hand with this amazing project in exchange for a few days in this lovely space (and gorgeous scenery!) please get in contact - would be great to hear from you! Please email nathalie@themillfrance.com